Baby Sleep Sacks! Good or Bad?

There have been a lot of discussions about baby sleep sacks in the recent years, considering their advantages as well as disadvantages. Sleep sacks are wearable blankets for babies with the help of which the body of the baby stays fully covered even when the baby moves. It is like a sack in which you place your baby and keep it covered and protected all the time. You can use sleep sacks for your babies as many parents do so these days, but before that, be aware of the advantages as well as disadvantages which these sacks possess. Read below:

baby sleep sacks


  • When the baby sleeps in a sleep sack, he or she is free to move around, kick and wiggle, without losing the blanket from the body. As a parent, even you do not have to put the blanket on your baby again and again.
  • The Baby’s head and arms are left uncovered and hence, the baby does not feel too trapped or discomforting to move, as the bottom part is also like a loose sack with zip up in the front.
  • The baby can stay warm without being too warm. The babies cannot kick off the sleep sacks unlike they do with blankets and hence, they would not get cold as the covering would stay in its place all the time.
  • A lot of babies do not like swaddling and hence with the usage of sleep sacks, babies have enough space for free movement and do not feel restricted.
  • Sleep sacks are easy to put on even after your baby falls asleep. They can be easily slipped on over the baby’s clothes and can be zipped up in the front without disturbing your baby’s precious sleep.
  • It is very convenient to carry your baby outside In a sleep sack as blankets are very difficult to manage as they keep falling here and there Sleep sacks are like a secure packaging for your baby which is comfortable for him as well as the parent who is carrying the baby, especially in harsh weathers.


  • Sleep sacks do not allow for swaddling and hence, you cannot give your baby the complete secured feeling which comes with swaddling, especially for the new born.
  • If the sleep sacks are not of proper size and the baby outgrows it, it is going to be uncomfortable for the baby as he or she would not have adequate free moving space.

Thus considering the above given advantages and disadvantages you can use the sleep sacks as per your requirements.

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