Original Home-Cooked Organic Baby Food Recipes

The concept of organic baby food is just the same as for adults in a sense that just like adults, it is also healthier and nutritious for babies to have them.

Parents would only want the best for their babies and transforming organic fruits and vegetables to edible food for babies is a must.

Babies usually have their milk ready for them at all times, but there will come a time when they will have to learn how to eat organic baby food.

Parents should remember that their babies will not stay small and young forever. As part of the growing process, they too will develop their physical bodies and would need food with different nutrients.

Organic baby food is generally food derived from different organic fruits and vegetables which are rich with all sort of vitamins and minerals essential for child development and growth.

These fruits and vegetables can be either home grown or purchased in healthy fruit and vegetable outlets. What makes them so delectable for babies is that they are naturally grown.

Organic baby food is free from harmful additives. Remember that organic baby food has to come from organic greens. This means that these fruits and vegetables do not have preservatives or growth enhancers that can produce long term sicknesses for the baby. Babies are known to be more sensitive to these additives as compared to full grown humans.

As a start, here are some organic baby food recipes that are very easy to make at home:

Simple carrot puree

This is a good organic baby food rich with vitamin A. By simply cutting the carrots in small cubes parents are able to boil and soften them easily. They are then mashed up and blended with low-fat, low-salt butter. This way makes it easier for your baby to eat.

Easy banana recipe

This is another simple organic baby food to make. Parents would need a banana and mix it with about ¼ cup of very light cream and sugar. There is a choice of simply mashing them with a fork or using a food processor. Either way, make sure that it can easily be eaten by your baby.

The apple and pear combination

Obtain organic pears and apples and remember to rinse them before peeling and dicing them. Have apple juice ready and simmer all three ingredients. Remember that they need to be soft enough before doing the next few steps.

Once in puree form, mix them together with egg yolk and sugar. Place them in a container and slap them in the oven with about 350 degrees. This makes for a good dessert treat for your baby.

For parents who are interested in more organic baby food recipes, a good source of information would be the internet where hundreds of sites are willing to share their healthy secrets.

Parents may also want to try asking their relatives and friends regarding these recipes which they have been making for their own young ones.


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